About Our Company

About Our Company
Marius Media Productions is a Professional Media Production and Marketing Company offering photography, films and videos production, broadcasting, music production, rentals, and marketing services. From turning your unique special moments into lifetime memories to turning your brand consumers into valuables customers by meeting their needs at their comforts with efficient services deliveries and brand awareness, we offer services that help you, as an individual or a business, to share your stories, passions, values, products, and services with strong efficient communication strategies that enhance your B2C and B2C relationships at various levels; amplifying contents distribution to reach the highest number of people across the world through digital marketing.

"Turning your unique special moments into lifetime memories shareable with the world"

"Sometimes you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory"
Dr Seuss, American children's author, political cartoonist, illustrator, poet, animator, and filmmaker.

Have you ever wondered if that moment could bever ended?
How often are you lost or found in your memories?
How many of these special moments do you remember?
How much details can you even recall?
Our mission at Marius Media Productions is to give everyone, mostly those who trust in us, the tools to enjoy each special moments of our lives while keeping our focus on our life's purposes by keeping track of our life's experiences.

We help you enjoy at the fullness each moment of your life by turning your unique special moments into lifetime memories that inspire you to re/connect with life's trends.

We are committed to compile experiences into digital histories that nourish dreams which, supported by marketing tools, lead to achieve life's goals.

With continuous improvement in sciences and technologies, and a dedicated, passionate and experienced team, Marius Media Productions aim to become a reference in digital media content creation and broadcasting industry with impressive photographies, film and videos, TV and radio content production.

We provide our clients with targeted and objectives digital marketing strategies that meet their customer's needs right where they are - at the comfort of their fingertips.

As digital media content creator, Marius Media Productions operate like a TV production team in which we are the bottom lines operators, and our clients are “The Executive Producer”.

Our client conceives and initiate the media project that we design, produce and coordinate together its directions throughout the development process to ensure that our client's creative vision is translated in the final product.

Therefore, we conduct clear, honest and holistic relationships with our customers and personels in other to create one wholesome and awesome productive team.

In words, respect, humility, learning process, sharing knowledge, acknowledgement feedback, honesty, detailed metrics reporting, assessment and continued evaluation, improvement and satisfaction, family, friendship, trust and commitment.

Media productions has been for long seen as a marketing tool reserved for big tech and large cooperation at the look of gig investments done by these and the dominant authority the use of medium granted big brands.

Our goal in this digital era is to introduce media productions products and services to every consumer as basic or simple and efficient way of communication available to everyone who has to say and/or share.

We are opening our expertise to break the mythic wall of inaccessibility to photography, videography, products videos, film industry and digital marketing to small sizes entities and individuals.

We offer customized and cost-efficient products and services that effectively echo values, boost brands and turn instant experiences into lifetime memories. Building care, trust, confidence, togetherness and communication with consumer wherever they are – with today technologies – at the comfort of their fingertips.

We serve individuals, all scales Business entities, organizations and Community Institutions.